【なる】Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE 野村美希线 感想翻译

「那样的」野美希在最后将广播塔「用于个人目的」—— 因为遇到了羽依里,野美希得以克服自我厌恶,懂得珍惜自己,终于学会「将自己放在第一位」。

发布于 Galgame

【なる】Summer Pockets REFLECTION BLUE 空门苍线 感想翻译


发布于 Galgame

2023-12-18 | 512 Days After Learning Japanese on Duolingo - It's Time to Quit

2022-07-23 ~ 2023-12-17 (512 days)

发布于 Shorts

评课:CS2115 CS2312 CS3201 CS3334 MA2185 GE1205 (Semester A 2023/2024)

CS2115 Computer Organization, CS2312 Problem Solving and Programming, CS3201 Computer Networks, CS3334 Data Structures, MA2185 Discrete Mathematics, GE1205 Green Economics

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2023 年 12 月:习题


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2023 年都造了点什么(乐子)


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2023 年都玩了点什么(梗)


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2023 年 11 月下:新章

暴论享受者*Hot Take Express

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2023 年 11 月上:评价


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2023-11-11 | Loss Aversion, Sunk Cost Fallacy, and the Endowment Effect - Subscription and Why are You Paying More Than Necessary

Why are you still paying (or rejecting to pay) for Spotify Premium? This article discusses the cognitive biases that make rational decision making difficult from a behavioral economics perspective.

发布于 Shorts