项目:Vue 实现课程表和选课工具

项目仓库:gorandint/gorandint.github.io 部署地址:gorandint.github.io

发布于 Project

2023 年 9 月

我现在实在是缺乏更新博客的动力,所以标题本来应该有的一个关键词都懒得加了。 不过好在周末本来也干不了什么事情,姑且是有时间写一写吧。

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2023 年 8 月:丧失


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2023-08-01 | Re-creation in Pragmatism

It has been more than a month since I last wrote a reflection. The reason is simple; internship is pretty busy. But thankfully I do have some time to rehearse my thoughts.

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笔记:pandas 的常用操作

我可能真的什么都记不住,所以来复盘下两个月前写过的 demo。

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2023 年 7 月:缺省

缺省简介。デファルトの概要です。Default summary.

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笔记:JavaWeb 项目环境配置

个人向踩坑记录,包括 IDEA、Tomcat、MySQL、Maven 等环境配置。

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2023-06-22 | No Stalker No Life

Let’s be honest. I am really a fan of peeking into others’ life. Not voyeurism, I have to make it clear. I am not interested in others’ privacy, but in how others live their life.

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2023-06-17 | Back to Square One

The worst thing could happen in the web era is that content was deleted deliberately.

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2023 年 6 月下:夏天


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